Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ugh, Anti-Abortionists... Again

I'll start by laying out all my biases. I'm pro-choice, I'm sex-positive, and I'm feminist, i.e. I believe women should be the ONLY people with the right to choose what they want to do with their own bodies.

That said, even though I'm pro-choice, I do understand the sentiment of people who are pro-life. I don't support women who utilize abortion as a form of birth control and, like many pro-choicers, I don't support late-term abortions.

What I hate the most out of this entire debate, aside from the complete lack of any kind of civil and sane conversation, is anti-abortionists who think it is their God-given right to do anything to make their point, such as secretly record a Planned Parenthood doctor and then editing a video to intentionally mislead viewers. I'm not saying that Planned Parenthood doesn't alter abortion methods to preserve fetal organs for donation; I don't know what they do because I don't work there.

What I am saying though is that I find the use of propaganda, the harassment of people outside clinics, the existence of "crisis pregnancy centers" that give false information to deter women from abortion, and the use of violence against abortion providers utterly despicable and abhorrent.

Anti-Abortionists, the only thing you are doing is harming the pro-life cause.

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