We reached our $40K goal for Organic Panic's Kickstarter on Thursday! The date was 8/8, by the way! Which make sense because luck really was on our side. We were at 63% (~$25K) with less than two and a half days left (!). 528 backers pledged within the last three days. It really does feel like the stars and planets aligned. Three big things really made it happen: an unprompted shout out by 5 Lives Studios to their 15K Kickstarter backers for Satellite Reign, a Polygon article, and a Reddit Ask-Me-Anything. Weird to think how things can turn out. On Sunday, we were talking about what we'd do if the Kickstarter didn't make it. On Monday, we had a whopping 12 backers (!). Everything else started happening on Tuesday. So, all that to say that, miracles can happen!
I've been so exhausted this week. Mostly from being busy with the Kickstarter. You'd think that afterwards we'd be able to relax. Nope! Still had tons of stuff to do -- posting to social media, editing the update to our backers, emailing press, thanking press that covered us. I just wanted to celebrate with sleep.
Kickstarter aside, I still had other things I needed to prep for too. My phone screening for the community manager position was yesterday. I don't have a single negative thing to say about this company. For the time being though, I'd rather not name them. (Don't ask me why. It's just an irrational impulse of just-in-case, even though I'm not really sure of just-in-case what.) Anyway, it was just a screening with their HR department to schedule an in-person interview and possibly talk about salary expectations. I hate talking about money, so I left it at "negotiable". They were 20 mins late in calling me, which made me nervous. Not about their company, but just the anxiety of waiting. But it went well. The recruiter was super friendly and open, and he answered all of my questions about the company, etc. I have yet to write back and schedule an interview. (Eeps! Need to do that!) But I'm excited to see where this goes.
The other thing I had to do after the Kickstarter was prep for a meeting with the Ruby RPG group I've been "working" with. I say "working" in quotes because I've been so focused on other things that I hadn't done anything at all for them for this past month (!). It's funny to think that my life is at a point where "work" involves playing a game. Haha! That was the prep I had to do. I had to play the first build of our RPG and give feedback. Not hard at all. Like usual, I had two weeks to do it, but didn't do it until two hours before the meeting. The meeting went well though. I'm glad I got to touch base with them. As for the project, we originally wanted to release something by December. Now we're talking about releasing a demo by December instead. Much more doable at this point. I said I was still for it. Now I just need to get on making those maps I said I'd do!
Speaking of game making, I still haven't finished that GameMaker platformer that I've been super secretive about. Ugh. I'm a shitty friend. Which makes no sense right now because I haven't revealed its purpose. But when I actually do have something semi-playable, I can talk about what it is.
Man! I'm really busy for someone without a full time job!
As you can guess, I haven't gone to any game events this week. It's not that there weren't things going on. The NYC Gamers meetup had an indie demo night on Monday and IGDA NJ had their monthly demo night on Tuesday. But I was just too swamped. Not to mention any free time I did have, I just wanted to rest.
The good news is that I finally got to sleep to my heart's content last night. Ha! I just remembered that there's also the Killer Queen Tournament and Livestream at the NYU Game Center tonight. I'll most likely skip out on that too. I just want to spend today lazing. Maybe even play a game or two!
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